SEARCH OUT THE GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR OF A GROUP OF INTEGERS AND ITS COMBINATION BY MATRIX ELEMENTARY OPERATIONS; Study of Complex Electrical Field on Valve Side Winding of Converter Transformer 用矩阵初等变换求最大公因数及组合的方法混合电场作用下换流变压器阀侧绕组电场分析
The greatest common divisor of 24 and 30 is 6 24. 和30的最大公约数为6。
By using the row elementary opration the matrix method of calculating the greatest common divisor of several polynomials is given with concrete applications. 利用多项式矩阵的行初等变换给出了求几个多项式的最大公因式的新方法,并给出了这种方法的具体应用。
Further Study about Maximum Common Factor of Multinomial A NEW METHOD FOR FINDING THE GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR OF TWO POLYNOMIAL MATRICES 关于多项式最大公因式的进一步探讨两个多项式阵最大公因子的计算
The spurious lines caused by those sources can be classified into different sets according to the greatest common divisor of the DDS frequency control word ( FCW) and 2 N, where N is the word length of the DDS phase accumulator. 由此产生的杂散谱可根据DDS的频率控制字和2N的最大公约数进行分类,N是DDS相位累加器的字长。
Calculating Greatest Common Divisor of n Polynomials and Judging Stability of Linear System with Constant Complex Coefficients Through Matrix Transformation 利用矩阵变换求n个多项式的最大公因式及判断复常系数线性系统的稳定性
In this paper, we obtain several solutions to the greatest common divisor of polynomial of one indeterminate by using the division algorithm and elementary transformation and oblique elementary transformation of matrix. 文章从辗转相除、矩阵的初等变换以及矩阵的斜消变换等不同角度给出了一元多项式的最大公因式的不同求法。
Structure of Greatest Common Divisor of Matrix 矩阵的最大公因子的结构
The paper compares the divisibility of polynomial in several elements with the divisibility of polynomial in one element, and discusses problems about the greatest common divisor and the unique factorization. 本文比较了多元多项式与一元多项式的可除性,讨论了最大公因子、唯一因子分解等问题。
Based on C/ C++ language the author devises programs of positive integer greatest common divisor algorithms. By analyzing algorithms, the author presents some suggestions of programming language teaching. 设计出了基于C/C++语言最大公约数算法程序,通过分析算法,提出了程序设计语言教学的几点建议。
The Problem of Finding the Coefficients for the Linear Expression of the Greatest Common Divisor 最大公约数线性表达式系数的求解问题
In this paper the relationship between memory contention and ( a, M), the greatest common divisor of a and M, is investigated, where M is the number of parallel memory modules, and a is a constant increment of address. 本文论述了以增量a(常数)访问M个体组成的并行存储器时,存取碰头和(a,M)的关系,这里(a,M)表示a和M的最大公因数。
A method of finding the greatest common divisor by omitting the head and the tail 求多项式最大公团式的消首去尾方法
A new method for finding the greatest common divisor of two polynomial matrices 两个多项式阵最大公因子的计算
This paper gives a proof of a conjecture on the relation between the greatest common divisor matrix and the factor closed set under a certain condition. 本文在一个较弱的条件下证明了关于最大公因子矩陈与因子封闭集的关系的一个猜想。
In this paper, an algorithm, which is called the extended Euclidean algorithm, is derived such that x and y can be simultaneously computed when the greatest common divisor ( a, b) is computed by the Euclidean algorithm. 给出一种算法使得在用辗转互除计算最大公因子(a,b)的同时能够计算出x和y来。
Greatest Common Divisor Matrix and Euler Matrix 最大公因子矩阵与欧拉矩阵
A computer program for expressing the greatest common divisor of two positive integers using their linear combination is given here. 给出了用其整系数线性组合表示两个正整数的最大公约数的计算机程序。
Greatest Common Divisor Matrix and Least Common Multiple Matrix 最大公因子矩阵与最小公倍数矩阵
A solution to the greatest common divisor for a class of polynomial with one un-known is derived by using the elementary row transformation of matrix in digital domain. 介绍了一种利用数域上矩阵的初等行变换求一组一元n次多项式的最大公因式的方法。
On the Generalization of the Greatest Common Divisor Matrices 关于最大公因子矩阵的推广
Greatest common divisor and modular inversion are resolved with Euclid algorithm and extended Euclid algorithm, respectively. 分别使用Euclid算法和扩展Euclid算法求解最大公约数和模逆。